Monthly Archives: August 2013

Installing HEP packages on Mac OS

A couple of months ago, I created a Mac OS X package manager for High Energy Physics programs. It’s called Homebrew-hep and is just an extension of the excellent Homebrew package manager. The homepage isĀ

This should make it easier to install packages which usually come with documentation pages dedicated to ‘Mac Installation issues’. A couple of great things about the package manager are:

  • it will keep track of dependencies on other packages, e.g. if you install Herwig++ it will install HepMC and ThePEG too!
  • it also keeps things in /usr/local/ so you often don’t need to worry about setting environment variables.
  • it can tell you if you need to update to the latest versions.

I wanted to wait until after a bit of testing before announcing it, but everything seems to work well. I invite you to use it and let me know your experiences. Also, let me know if there are any packages you’d like included, and I’ll try my best.

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